
Pete Johnston

My name is Pete Johnston and I am a landscape photographer based in central Scotland. Mountains are what do it for me. Whether they are small like the ones at home or bigger mountains in Europe, the USA or Canada I love them all. Especially if they also have water involved!

I've been taking photos for longer than I really want to admit. I started at school when my teacher encouraged us to climb mountains. I have him to thank for the love I have for wild and high places. Thanks Bill, you've given me a lifetime of enjoyment.

My first camera was an Agfa 110 format film camera. This format disappeared about 25 years ago so it's not something that many people will remember. Then about 20 years ago I moved to Olympus SLRs. I had an OM30 and an OM2-SP which were great and helped improve my standard of photography. I, allegedly, missed a couple of shots of my kids because these were manual focus and I was told to "sort it out" so I traded in all of my kit and bought into Nikon with an F80 and a couple of lenses. Once digital developed to an acceptable standard I moved on to a Nikon D70 since all of the rest of my gear was still usable. I moved on from there to a D7000 and now to a D750.

I know there is a low-level rivalry between Nikon and Canon but I think people should just get over that! Both systems have pros and cons and in the end it is you that needs to decide what you like and can work with.


Get on and take more photos!