A day out to An Stòr

I had just realised that I hadn’t been out with the camera for a while and decided I would have a walk along the shore in Portree and see what I could see. As I walked from my kitchen door along the path to the street it started a little of what we here call a “smir”, very light rain. By the time I got into the car it was full blown rain! The seemed to be a little bit of blue sky further north so I headed out on the road to Staffin.

After only a couple of miles there is a parking spot that all the tourist buses use but it looked good so I took the risk that people would think I was a tourist and stopped anyway. From this spot you can get an OK shot but if you go through the gate into the field and walk about 400m east you get a much better view over the top of Loch Fada and its little island with An Stòr in the background. Just remember to CLOSE THE GATE!

A couple of miles further and there is a parking area with a waterfall on the left. There has been quite a lot of rain over the last while and the run off from the hills mean that the river is flowing quite strong.

I had to go up the right hand side of the waterfall up to the top before I could get across the river because it was wide and running fast lower down. After coming a bit further down the left side I got this angle that I like a lot. If you want to try and get this shot a word to the wise - wear boots because it’s Wet, Wet, Wet :D