Escape from Lockdown!

I drove down to Fife a few months ago and while I was there the Scottish government brought in the lockdown legislation which restricted transport amongst other things. My mother was unwell at the time so I stayed to take care of her. Now that she is feeling better and my sister is caring for her I am free to go home to Portree.

While I was driving home I went past Eilean Donan Castle. I’ve mentioned before that it is probably in the Guiness Book of Records as the most photographed castle in the world. Usually there is something that I don’t like as I drive past. Overrun with tourists, raining, grey, massive tour buses in the way… You name it, there is a problem. But not today. I got there as the sun was going down. The loch was still and the colours from the sunset put the mountains of the Black Cuillin on Skye into silhouette. Beautiful!


January in Portree

Woke up early this morning (Pat had a doctor’s appointment) and when we walked down into the village the view over the harbour was beautiful. The sun was just appearing over Ben Tianavaig on the other side of the harbour . The air was still and there was a gorgeous reflection on the water. I took a few photos there then walked round to the shore where you can usually get a good view of the Black Cuillin mountains. This morning there was quite a lot of cloud but as I stood waiting it started to clear and I got the view that I wanted.