Out for a wee walk up Ben Tianavaig

The weather was looking so good this morning so I decided to have a walk up Ben Tianavaig. It’s a little hill on the headland just south of Portree on the Isle of Skye. In case you’ve never been Skye is my most favourite place. At the start it was a little bit of a pain. There is a technique of driving on the little single-track roads in the Scottish Highlands and the biggest requirement is courtesy. Some visitors to this island don’t know how that works.

After that it got very good. I ended up chatting for a while to one of the residents of Camustianavaig. The weather stayed sunny and warm with just the tiniest bit of wind to keep the midges away. The view in every direction was awesome and I got several photos that I liked a lot.

Eventually I got back and when I was taking my boots off I met the Camustianavaig guy again. He had been picking potatoes and before I left he asked if I would like some since he had picked more than him and his family could use. 2 hours later I have just finished diner and it was fantastic :D

The Sound of Raasay

The Sound of Raasay

Raasay from Ben Tianavaig

Raasay from Ben Tianavaig

January in Portree

Woke up early this morning (Pat had a doctor’s appointment) and when we walked down into the village the view over the harbour was beautiful. The sun was just appearing over Ben Tianavaig on the other side of the harbour . The air was still and there was a gorgeous reflection on the water. I took a few photos there then walked round to the shore where you can usually get a good view of the Black Cuillin mountains. This morning there was quite a lot of cloud but as I stood waiting it started to clear and I got the view that I wanted.